Seek your daily adventure!
Thomas’s site about adventures, learning, and resources.
I’m an adventurer, hobbyist photographer and a Scout.
My passions are Scouting, traveling, adventuring, camping, photography, electronics, computing, design and adult education. You’ll often find me Scouting or traveling around in my Subaru Forester.
This blog is to record my learnings, travels and adventures for the future, and to share them with the world, to spread the joy of getting outside and doing things.
Read about…
My Adventures
Read about my adventures and see the links to help get yourself there.
Scouting Blog
Sharing my knowledge and thoughts on Scouting, adventures, hacks, and techniques.
Projects and Portfolio
Visit my portfolio to see projects I have worked on and lead.
Useful Resources
View my collection of useful information, links and videos for adventure and learning.