Victorian Adventures
A collection of my trips across the border...I seem to make my way across the border into Victoria a fair bit these days, at least once or twice a year.
Here’s some highlights of my travel to Victoria, often catching up with friends or on Scouting trips.
November 2017
24th – 29th November 2017

This was my first solo interstate road trip, driving all the way from Adelaide to Melbourne in a single day. The weather was generally pretty good, until getting into the Melbourne CBD, then it was pretty crap… that’s Melbourne, what can you expect 😉 .
It was great to catch up with Sarah and spend the few days with her and her family, and see Emma and friends at Emma’s 21st Birthday party.
Sarah and I went to see an Irish band that were playing in Melbourne called The Coronas, who were pretty cool. Lots of tipsy Irish people were in the crowd, and I’m pretty sure I was the only person there who didn’t know the words…
I caught up with the Carlton Rover Crew once again, this time collecting rubbish from St. Kilda beach. Couldn’t believe how much waste there was on that beach, especially the thousands of cigarette butts littering the sand and lawn.
On the way back to Adelaide, I was joined by Jodie who was visiting Adelaide for a while, so I had company and someone to share the driving with. Phew!
We stopped at the Pink Lake, in all its glorious pink colour, and had a quick waddle in it. We had a great time, and made it back to Adelaide safely.
I’d probably plan to stay the night somewhere next time on the journey to and from Victoria on my next solo trip, which I hope will be soon.
Until next time Victoria!

To the border and back
Late September 2017
Our task, was to drive the Scouts SA big screen just across the Victorian border to Kaniva, drop it off, and then drive back to Adelaide. Made for a good little day trip, with no real destination, and was back in time for dinner.
Scouts sure does take you places – even if it’s to Victoria and back in a day, it’s still a good time.
Surfmoot 2017
My second Surfmoot trip, this time I gathered a car full and had a road trip to Victoria in my Subaru Forester, my first time road tripping with friends in my own car.
Many good times were had on Surfmoot, and saw the sights such as Erskine Falls and Split Point Lighthouse at Aireys Inlet, which is the lighthouse from ‘Around The Twist’, a famous Australian children’s tv show.
I managed to break the screen on my Nexus 5 phone while leaving the beach, which was a bummer, but we managed somehow to survive a few more days with technology.

Sarah’s Queen’s Scout Presentation
I couldn’t miss the opportunity to catch up with Sarah again, especially for the occasion of her Queen’s Scout Award Presentation, which is a huge milestone for anybody attempting to achieve this award.
I jumped aboard The Overland from Adelaide, and arrived in Melbourne ten long hours later.
I didn’t seem to get many photos from this trip, which is a shame, but it seems we did post a photo of Sarah and I drinking Starbucks…
Thomas & Sarah’s Epic Trip
January 2016
Coming soon…